Thursday, 20 June 2013


Hi guys

Your homework this weekend is to write a transcript of a verbal conversation. It will take a while to write up just a couple of minutes.

Here is a guide. You could also add in some further non-verbal features if you can too. If you do this, do one layer of purely verbal exchange and add a second layer of non-verbal in a different colour.
You must have a transcript of verbal dialogue and you could go further by including the non-verbal.

Let me know if you have any problems.

The guide is in your booklet, but is also here:
These are indicated by brackets. Long pauses can suggest different things e.g. anger, frustration, or stumped for something to say. The numbers in the brackets indicate how long the pause is. A short pause is indicated by (.)
Overlapping speech
Word [word
Two people talking at once can be difficult to transcribe. Here’s an example:
Person 1: I saw Attack the Block last night it was [totally a – mazing
Person 2:                                                                       [yeah. I love films like that.
Cut off speech
A dash shows that a word has been cut off midway
Unclear Speech
(words) a guess at what might have been said if it is unclear
()            Unclear talk, where it is impossible to work out what is said.
Loud Voice
Word            to indicate that a word or phrase is loud, you can underline it.
Word            to indicate that something is even louder, like a shout, you can put in bold.
Speed of talk
>word word< Arrows pointing inward show faster speech

<word word> Arrows pointing outward show slower speech


  1. It's Lucas, I am looking for the lesson because I was recently told you'd put the work from the lesson I missed on the blog but I cannot find it. I will also, unfortunately, miss next lesson due to a key rehearsal which I'm sorry about as well but if you put any key work that I miss up I'll do it for next Monday.

  2. Hi Lucas. OK. As you'll not be in tomorrow either, I'll condense the two lessons and post it during the lesson tomorrow. That way you can catch up, though some of it'll have to be over the weekend. I'll pass on key materials to the relevant people. We'll be looking at a model essay in preparation for some drafting/ planning on Thursday. Then you'll have your formative feedback next week. You'll do the CA w/b 8th July. Best wishes,
